Hi there,
I am running into issues attempting to generate a custom theme using the Kendo UI Themebuilder - http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/themebuilder/
We have recently upgraded to Kendo Q1 2017. We still had a custom theme in place which was built in an earlier version of Kendo. Due to the change in approach to icons (http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/backwards-compatibility/2017-backward-compatibility), I expected to have to rebuild the theme. We are using Metro as the theme base.
However, when I've done this using the themebuilder, the downloaded CSS file appears to be very different from what I would expect - it still has references to the sprite.png file. This is leading to both approaches being applied - the k-icon class applies a sprite image, and the new approach applies an icon.
I then ran the themebuilder and just downloaded an unmodified version of the Metro theme and compared that to the theme shipped in 2017.1.223 - again, the same differences were present and we ended up with both images applied.
Am I doing something wrong here or is there an issue - it seems to be the themebuilder is not able to produce CSS compliant with Q1 2017?
Paul McKay