may be this question has been solved here but I cannot find it in the different threads. I have a class deriving from RadGridView. For example, say the class Grid in the test namespace. In design mode, the ThemeClassName property is set to the actual class name by the designer, so test.Grid in the example. But the problem is that I cannot find the theme names I want in the drop down list. If I force the ThemeClassName property to "Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadGridView", the drop down list is filled with the right theme names but as soon as I save the file the designer reset the ThemeClassName to test.Grid, as I can see it in the file.
So I found the way to force ThemeClassName = "Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadGridView" in the test.Grid constructor but it works in run time only; I cannot see the theme names in design mode.
What is the good way to proceed to apply themes to a derived class ?
may be this question has been solved here but I cannot find it in the different threads. I have a class deriving from RadGridView. For example, say the class Grid in the test namespace. In design mode, the ThemeClassName property is set to the actual class name by the designer, so test.Grid in the example. But the problem is that I cannot find the theme names I want in the drop down list. If I force the ThemeClassName property to "Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadGridView", the drop down list is filled with the right theme names but as soon as I save the file the designer reset the ThemeClassName to test.Grid, as I can see it in the file.
So I found the way to force ThemeClassName = "Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadGridView" in the test.Grid constructor but it works in run time only; I cannot see the theme names in design mode.
What is the good way to proceed to apply themes to a derived class ?