So, im using a template binded to remote data. Everything works well on the emulator but on the device only the button appears.
<ul id="books" data-template="template" data-role="listview" data-style="inset" data-bind="source:fields"></ul>
<button data-role="button" id="save" type="button" class="login-button">Save</button>
<script id="template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<li >
<label for="page">#: Caption #</label>
# if (EditConfigType =="Lookup"){
#<select id="dropdown"></select>#
if (EditConfigType =="Integer"){
#<input type="number" />#
$(function () {
// create a template using the above definition #: Caption #
var template = kendo.template($("#template").html());
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
// specify the XML file to read. The same as read: { url: "books.xml" }
read: {
url: "",
dataType: "json"
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
IdEditConfig: { type: "string" },
Caption: { type: "string" },
EditConfigType: { type: "string" },
Required: { type: "number" },
function (e) {
$("#books").html(kendo.render(template, this.view()));
dataSource.fetch(function () {
var data = this.data();
console.log(data[0].IdEditConfig + " | " + data[0].Caption + " | " + data[0].EditConfigType + " | " + data[0].Required + " | ");
please help! Thanks!
So, im using a template binded to remote data. Everything works well on the emulator but on the device only the button appears.
<ul id="books" data-template="template" data-role="listview" data-style="inset" data-bind="source:fields"></ul>
<button data-role="button" id="save" type="button" class="login-button">Save</button>
<script id="template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<li >
<label for="page">#: Caption #</label>
# if (EditConfigType =="Lookup"){
#<select id="dropdown"></select>#
if (EditConfigType =="Integer"){
#<input type="number" />#
$(function () {
// create a template using the above definition #: Caption #
var template = kendo.template($("#template").html());
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
// specify the XML file to read. The same as read: { url: "books.xml" }
read: {
url: "",
dataType: "json"
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
IdEditConfig: { type: "string" },
Caption: { type: "string" },
EditConfigType: { type: "string" },
Required: { type: "number" },
function (e) {
$("#books").html(kendo.render(template, this.view()));
dataSource.fetch(function () {
var data = this.data();
console.log(data[0].IdEditConfig + " | " + data[0].Caption + " | " + data[0].EditConfigType + " | " + data[0].Required + " | ");
please help! Thanks!