I currently have the Winforms flavor of the Telerik UI SDK. I wish to take advantage of some of the WPF-like feature available in the Telerik UI for Winforms. Specifically ContainerNode. How do I get this downloaded and installed or is it already a part of the installed WinForms and if so where can I pull the reference DLL from. This example indicates that ContainerNode is a part of WPF
Namespace: Telerik.Pivot.Core.Fields
Assembly: Telerik.Pivot.Core
(in Telerik.Pivot.Core.dll) Version: 2015.3.1103.1050 (2015.3.1103.1050)
which I don't have. The code I want use is involved in managing the displayed parts of a DATE field in the field list control:
Private Sub LocalDataSourceFieldDescriptionsProvider_ContainerNodeAdded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ContainerNodeEventArgs)
'Use the name of the DateTime property, in our case it is Date
If e.ContainerNode.Name = "Date" Then
For Each containerNode In e.ContainerNode.Children
Dim fin As FieldInfoNode = TryCast(containerNode, FieldInfoNode)
If containerNode.Name = "Date.Year" Then
'Remove Year from the DateTime tree
TryCast(fin.FieldInfo, PropertyFieldInfo).AutoGenerateField = False
End If
Next containerNode
End If
End Sub