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Table Break

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Lucas asked on 14 Mar 2013, 06:59 PM
I have a problem in my report layout.
I have a subreport with a table, which receives a listing of items.

The problem is that when the list does not fit on the first page, the list of items in the table breaks across to the second page, leaving a blank space on the front page.
When the list is too big for the second page too, so al the table acts correctly filling out the first page and the next.

I read some posts and I think there is no solution, right?
If you can help me I appreciate it.

Sorry for my Google Inglês.

att Lucas

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answered on 19 Mar 2013, 09:19 AM
Hello Lucas,

It is not very clear from your explanation but it seems that your row is too large (higher than a single page). You should know that table rows cannot be split even if you set all KeepTogether properties to false. Therefore you will have to redesign your report so that you do not use tables or in a way that a single table row is not too large(otherwise it will leave larger white spaces).

Other than that you may have missed a KeepTogether property, since these are the possible reasons.

In your current case the paging algorithm is trying to keep the content together. If on the current page there is enough space it will keep it and no blank spaces will be left. If the content is larger it will try to fit it on the next page, which is blank and does not have preceding items. If the content fits in that page it will be kept together on it, leaving blank space on the previous page. Finally if it does not fit on the next page it will not be possible to keep it together - because of that it does not get transferred to the next page and the content is just split.

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the Telerik team

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