so I have a page with a autocomplete textbox. The user types in a value and depending on the selected value a tabstrip loads with multiple tabs with kendo ui grids on them. 4 seperate tabs. A parent child relationship exists to the tabbed data. I have this working correctly.The behavior I'd like to implement would be if no data exists for one of the tabs (child data), the grid view on that tab does not show but a label or text telling the user that no data exists for this client. Is this behavior possible ? If so how could I implement it?
so I have a page with a autocomplete textbox. The user types in a value and depending on the selected value a tabstrip loads with multiple tabs with kendo ui grids on them. 4 seperate tabs. A parent child relationship exists to the tabbed data. I have this working correctly.The behavior I'd like to implement would be if no data exists for one of the tabs (child data), the grid view on that tab does not show but a label or text telling the user that no data exists for this client. Is this behavior possible ? If so how could I implement it?