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Supply additional odata filters for AutoComplete

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Jason asked on 15 Nov 2013, 10:22 PM
I have an autocomplete textbox working with an odata endpoint. In addition to the $filter that kendo generates I'd like to add an additional filter to eliminate "deactivated" items.

The approach shown in the code below works for grids, but (understandably) kendo uses its own $filter and ignores mine (in particular below, see $filter: "Hidden -eq false" bit):

$("#product-entry-list input").kendoAutoComplete({
    filter: 'contains',
    dataTextField: 'Name',
    dataSource: {
        type: 'odata',
        serverFiltering: true,
        serverPaging: true,
        pageSize: 20,
        transport: {
            read: {
                url: window.rootUrl + 'odata/ProductLines',
                dataType: 'json',
                data: {
                    $filter: "Hidden eq false"
        schema: {
            data: (d) => d.value,
            total: (d) => d['odata-count']

Is there a spot in the autocomplete or datasource API where I can inject custom filtering? Alternatively I suppose I could create a special ODataController for ProductLines that only shows active items, but it seems "nicer" to just have a single ProductLines OData endpoint and let the clients describe what they want.

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answered on 16 Nov 2013, 04:56 PM
Solved. After digging around in the source code a bit I discovered that dataSource.filter is the way to go. The following works (the filter on line 9 is the key):

01.$("#product-entry-list input").kendoAutoComplete({
02.    filter: 'contains',
03.    dataTextField: 'Name',
04.    dataSource: {
05.        type: 'odata',
06.        serverFiltering: true,
07.        serverPaging: true,
08.        pageSize: 20,
09.        filter: { field: 'Hidden', operator: 'eq', value: false },
10.        transport: {
11.            read: {
12.                url: window.rootUrl + 'odata/ProductLines',
13.                dataType: 'json'
14.            }
15.        },
16.        schema: {
17.            data: (d) => d.value,
18.            total: (d) => d['odata-count']
19.        }
20.    }

This creates an odata request as expected:


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