Hi All,
i use
to group my appointments in Scheduler.
When i try to add an appointment in a view with is grouped by resources, my appointment is stored without the resourceID an because of this when i rebind this appotment is not visible in this grouped view.
When i change my code using
me.rsMain.GroupType = GroupType.None
i will see this appointments who has no resouces values.
When i use
me.rsMain.GroupType = GroupType.None
for inserting new appointments the resourceID is stored as planned.
As far as i know the update/Insert should use in the Update oder Insert Command in both cases
Any suggestions what this may cause ?
my insert command looks like this:
Kind regards
Martin Gartmann
i use
Me.rsMain.GroupType = GroupType.Resource
to group my appointments in Scheduler.
When i try to add an appointment in a view with is grouped by resources, my appointment is stored without the resourceID an because of this when i rebind this appotment is not visible in this grouped view.
When i change my code using
me.rsMain.GroupType = GroupType.None
i will see this appointments who has no resouces values.
When i use
me.rsMain.GroupType = GroupType.None
for inserting new appointments the resourceID is stored as planned.
As far as i know the update/Insert should use in the Update oder Insert Command in both cases
Any suggestions what this may cause ?
my insert command looks like this:
INSERT INTO Appointments (Summary, Start, [End], RecurrenceRule, MasterEventID, Location, Description, BackgroundID, StatusID, ParentID, Visible, KundenID, ResourceID, Personen, Preis, RaceID)
VALUES (@Summary,@Start,@End,@RecurrenceRule,@MasterEventID,@Location,@Description,@BackgroundID,@StatusID,@ParentID,@Visible,@KundenID,@ResourceID,@Personen,@Preis,@RaceID)
Kind regards
Martin Gartmann