I have a multicol combo with 5 columns and I have enabled filtering on each column :
multiColumnComboElement.EditorControl.EnableFiltering = true;
multiColumnComboElement.EditorControl.ShowHeaderCellButtons = true;
The issue I'm having is that when a user clicks on the OK button in the available filter list (see attached image) the main dropdown closes.
What I would like to happen is when the user clicks OK on the filter button the main drop down is still available but only showing the matching rows.
So for example and using the attached image as reference, if the user checks 19, 21, 30 and clicks OK the main dropdown remains open so the user can select from the filtered rows.
Not explaining this very well, but hope you get the idea.
I have managed to create a work around but its not ideal, basically on dropdown close I cancel if selectedIndex < 0, on dropdownopening I set selectedindex = -1.
Thanks for your help.