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Stock Chart not detailed enough

4 Answers 63 Views
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Casper asked on 21 Sep 2015, 11:28 AM


Using kendo version 2015.2.624

In StockChart we experience that the graph draws too few points to our taste.

We use baseUnit = "fit" and no matter how we adjust autoBaseUnitSteps for days, weeks etc there is simply not enough detail.

We need to display from 1 day to 3 years of data allowing the user to zoom so setting a fix baseUnit = "days" does not work for all cases.

We have tried to act on the zoomEnd event but no matter what, there is no information in e.axisRanges in the event argument (axisRanges is undefined).

It also appears only to be triggered on mousewheel action?

Adjusting maxDateGroups to 10000 did not provide more datapoints per width.

Can you recommend a course of actions to give us more detail in the graph? 

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T. Tsonev
Telerik team
answered on 23 Sep 2015, 11:40 AM

I'm not quite sure why maxDateGroups doesn't work in the specific scenario. Normally, this is what will determine the actual number of visible points.

I've prepared a very simple demo in the Dojo, but it seems to work fine there. Can you spot any major differences in the axis configuration?

T. Tsonev
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answered on 23 Sep 2015, 01:24 PM


Yes, we're using multiple panes like this

categoryAxis: {
maxDateGoups: 1000,
pane: "volumePane",
labels: {
font: "12px Roboto, Helvetica, Arial"
valueAxes: [
// Default axis
line: {
visible: false
labels: {
format: "$ {0:N2}",
font: "12px Roboto, Helvetica, Arial"
}, {
name: "volumeAxis",
pane: "volumePane",
visible: true,
labels: {
step: 2,
format: "$ {0:N0}",
font: "12px Roboto, Helvetica, Arial"

but removing one of the panes did not fix the problem, I'll try to put together a Dojo sample.


T. Tsonev
Telerik team
answered on 25 Sep 2015, 02:58 PM

Panes shouldn't be a problem here, as they all share the same category axis. Aha, found it:
maxDateGoups: 1000
Should read:
maxDateGroups: 1000
I hope this helps.

T. Tsonev
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answered on 28 Sep 2015, 07:38 AM

Hm, well indeed, it did fix it.

That'll teach me to read and reread my own code when stuff is not working.


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T. Tsonev
Telerik team
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