I'm only just starting out with Kendo UI and one of my first tasks is to build a Stacked Bar chart. I'm hoping you guys can help me out with a few issues I'm having.
Firstly, here's a link to an example of what I currently have: http://dojo.telerik.com/Ajido
Issue 1: I have three values for my stacks: Alpha, Bravo and Charlie. Charlie is type 'line'. But, in stacks 2 and 4 I don't have a value and want to suppress the Charlie marker. From examples online, I've seen that setting the data to 'null' should suppress the marker. Unfortunately, this doesn't work for me.
Is this a limitation when using 'line' type in a Stacked chart? Or am I missing something?
If I can resolve this issue, then I'll ask about the next one!