Can anyone point me in some direction on how i may be able to change the dataSource series types from candlestick to line or bar or area, or anything else than candlestick.
Just to be more precise i am talking about this example
And yes i have searched the documentation found here But i can't change the type only to "ohlc", and that is not what i want to do.
Iliana Dyankova
Telerik team
answered on 08 Jan 2016, 09:46 AM
Hello Dragos,
Changing the StockChart series is not supported out-of-the-box, however as a workaround I would suggest using the chart.options and redrawing the chart:
// get reference to the chart widget
var chart =$("#stock-chart").data("kendoStockChart");
// change the first series type
// change the first series field
// redraw the chart
Keep in mind candlestick series expect Open, Close, High and Low fields, while bar / area expect only field.
Iliana Nikolova
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