I am currently working with a Kend UI spreadsheet control, and was wondering if there was a way to disable ALL editing for the sheetsbar, or sheets tab:
- No deletion of existing sheets
- No adding new sheets
- No name changes
I found this approach on the forum:
Remove insert and delete on SheetsBar with CSS and jQuery | Kendo UI Dojo (telerik.com)
Using the css and jQuery stuff, additionally I need to turn off the ability to change the name.
Alternatively I came up with kind of a clunky solution, using a Kendo Drop Down list to select the active sheet...but I think it would be much more intuitive to leave the tabs there and just disable the renaming functionality.
DDL Select Active: | Kendo UI Dojo (telerik.com)
but this is clunky, and I am hoping for a cleaner solution based on the first example I found... I may start fiddling with the above approach to see if it is possible, if so, wondering if there is a certain syntax with the Kendo UI controls, sooo much to dig through... that would help me disable and enable features of other components...maybe there is a guide...and since I am kind of new... thinking maybe I haven't stumbled on the naming convention of thecss controls.. and how they can affect the enabling and disabling of different features in the controls/components?
I usually look for an option, like yeah you can set sheetsbar to false and make it disappear or hide it, but I kind of like having it there since the end product is going to populate the spreadsheet control with multiple sheets...and thereby make the controls more intuitive.
Thanks for your help and patience ^___^
I was hoping some sort of css approach like this would be possible, but then I dunno if you can control css to disable functionality, other than hide something...
Hi George,
I wuld suggest handle the Spreadsheet insertSheet, removeSheet and renameSheet events and revent thir default behavior:
insertSheet: function(e){ alert('Insert sheet is prevented') e.preventDefault() }, removeSheet: function(e){ alert('Remove sheet is prevented') e.preventDefault() }, renameSheet: function(e){ alert('Rename sheet is prevented') e.preventDefault() },
Here is a dojo where this is demonstrated - https://dojo.telerik.com/@NeliK/ezUWEtIx