Cells change how they display values depending on their formatting. This behavior can be seen in the Telerik demo at http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/spreadsheet/index
To reproduce using the demo spreadsheet:
- Blank one of the numeric cells. Use C3, for this example
- Select column C
- Format column C to be 'Number' using the 'Custom Format' dropdown from the toolbar
- Note that C3 is still blank, as expected.
- With column C still selected, click 'Decrease Decimal' (on the toolbar) twice to remove the decimal component of the number
- Note that cells without numbers in them (either originally empty or originally with a number, such as C3) now contain 'Undefined' rather than being blank. Increasing the decimal has no effect on this behavior.
- Repeat the action from Step 3 (above). Problem disappears until Step 5 is executed.
Expected behavior would be that empty cells remain empty regardless of format.