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Spreadsheet displays incorrect values after formatting

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Michael asked on 31 May 2016, 01:36 PM

Cells change how they display values depending on their formatting. This behavior can be seen in the Telerik demo at

To reproduce using the demo spreadsheet:

  1. Blank one of the numeric cells. Use C3, for this example
  2. Select column C
  3. Format column C to be 'Number' using the 'Custom Format' dropdown from the toolbar
  4. Note that C3 is still blank, as expected.
  5. With column C still selected, click 'Decrease Decimal' (on the toolbar) twice to remove the decimal component of the number
  6. Note that cells without numbers in them (either originally empty or originally with a number, such as C3) now contain 'Undefined' rather than being blank. Increasing the decimal has no effect on this behavior.
  7. Repeat the action from Step 3 (above). Problem disappears until Step 5 is executed.

Expected behavior would be that empty cells remain empty regardless of format.



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Telerik team
answered on 02 Jun 2016, 01:05 PM
Hello Michael,

Thank you for your report. I confirm this is an issue with the present version of the Kendo UI Spreadsheet. In addition, I have updated your Telerik points for gratitude for bringing the problem to our attention.

I have logged this issue for fixing, and you can track its progress in GitHub:

Apologies for the inconvenience this might caused you.

Let me know if you need additional assistance.

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