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Spreadsheet - Referencing blank cells

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Pranay asked on 03 Nov 2016, 08:36 PM

In the spreadsheet when referencing other cells, only non-empty cell values are carried over

1. Click into a cell  (i.e. A20)

2. Enter a value ( abc ); hit return or tab to another cell

3. Click back into the cell ( A20)

4. In that cell, enter a reference to another cell that is empty  (  = A19  );  hit return or tab to another cell

5. The value is not replaced with the 'empty' value from the referenced cell; the original value ( abc )  remains

6. Enter a value in the referenced cell ( enter  xyz  into  A19) - the cell that has the reference ( A20 ) changes its value correctly to the referenced value (xyz from A19)

7. Go back to the referenced cell ( A19 ),  delete the value;   the cell that has the reference ( A20 ) does not change, it still displays the 'old' value ( xyz )

Essentially, if a referenced cell has a null value, the null value is not carried to the cell reference.  We were able to recreate on the demo spreadsheet ( ).   

Thank you


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Dimiter Topalov
Telerik team
answered on 07 Nov 2016, 10:58 AM
Hello Pranay,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. It has been logged, and you can expect a fix in a future release of Kendo UI. You can track the issue in our GitHub repository:

I have updated your Telerik Points for helping us improve the quality of our product.

Dimiter Topalov
Telerik by Progress
Build rich, delightful, *native* Angular 2 apps with Kendo UI for Angular 2. Try it out today! Kendo UI for Angular 2 (currently in beta) is a jQuery-free toolset, written in TypeScript, designed from the ground up to offer true, native Angular 2 components.
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Dimiter Topalov
Telerik team
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