I have a grid which has a column bound to a boolean value indicating if the record is a priority or not.
I wan't to be able to sort the grid so that records with priority set to true to be at the top.
I cannot find any way to do this in the docs, is it possible? I notice that even the default sorting does not work (by clicking the header) so trying to set a sort order on the DataSource model is just failing on page load.
This is the child grid in a hierarchical situation if that makes any difference...
.Sort(s =>
.Add(m => m.Priority).Ascending();
.Add(m => m.Start).Descending();
columns.Bound(m => m.Priority).Filterable(
"\\#= Priority ? '"
+ Resources.BUTTON_YES +
"' : '"
+ Resources.BUTTON_NO +
"' \\#"