I have a gridview containing a file explorer. For the column filesize I have a hidden column with the filesize in bytes. The I have another column with the size formatted to a string containing 8,25 KB, ...
When the user wants to sort the data by the filesize column, I have to sort dynamicly on the hidden column instead of the filesize column.
Is there a way of doing this?
I have a gridview containing a file explorer. For the column filesize I have a hidden column with the filesize in bytes. The I have another column with the size formatted to a string containing 8,25 KB, ...
When the user wants to sort the data by the filesize column, I have to sort dynamicly on the hidden column instead of the filesize column.
Is there a way of doing this?
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hello Geert,
Thank you for contacting us.
Please consider the following forum thread. I have tested it and it worked fine one my end.
A bit off topic, please ask the purchase holder for our products in your company to add you as a License Developer to the license. This will give you full access to the products your company has purchased, to our downloads section, and to our support ticketing system. Additionally, all your questions will be reviewed according to the license you have. More information on License Developers you can find here: www.telerik.com/account/faqs.aspx. Best wishes,
the Telerik team
Thank you for contacting us.
Please consider the following forum thread. I have tested it and it worked fine one my end.
A bit off topic, please ask the purchase holder for our products in your company to add you as a License Developer to the license. This will give you full access to the products your company has purchased, to our downloads section, and to our support ticketing system. Additionally, all your questions will be reviewed according to the license you have. More information on License Developers you can find here: www.telerik.com/account/faqs.aspx. Best wishes,
the Telerik team
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answered on 07 Jul 2010, 08:21 AM
Hello Stefan,
I've added me as developer in our license.
With the setting of the datatype of the column, the problem is not solved. In My column there is a decimal followed by a string
8,43 KB
10,2 MB
When I set the datatype the decimal and bind the data to the grid an error shows up...
Hi Geert,
Thank you for your reply.
If I understood you correctly, you have a HiddenDecimalColumn, and a TextBoxColumn that represents the value of the decimal column plus a string ("KB"/"MB"), and you want to have appropriate sorting by clicking on the TextBoxColumn.
You have two approaches here:
The first approach (the easiest one) is to make your HiddenDecimalColumn which contains the decimals visible, and to use this code snippet
to format the displayed text on the way you want. In this case the sorting will work properly, and you don't need TextBoxColumn.
About the second approach, which is more complicated and not perfect, you have to override the OnMouseDownLeft method to check if the clicked header element is the TextColumn (the representation of the decimals values as strings) and if it is, to sort the grid according to the HiddenDecimalColumn. I am attaching a sample project where you could see this.
Please note that when using the second approach, the HeaderElement (of the TextColumn) will not indicate the sorting (the small arrow indicating ASC or DESC order will not appear). What I can suggest is to catch the CellFormating and for make a custom formatting for the sorted column, if you prefer this approach.
If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
the Telerik team
Thank you for your reply.
If I understood you correctly, you have a HiddenDecimalColumn, and a TextBoxColumn that represents the value of the decimal column plus a string ("KB"/"MB"), and you want to have appropriate sorting by clicking on the TextBoxColumn.
You have two approaches here:
The first approach (the easiest one) is to make your HiddenDecimalColumn which contains the decimals visible, and to use this code snippet
byteColumn.FormatString =
"{0:##.###} KB"
to format the displayed text on the way you want. In this case the sorting will work properly, and you don't need TextBoxColumn.
About the second approach, which is more complicated and not perfect, you have to override the OnMouseDownLeft method to check if the clicked header element is the TextColumn (the representation of the decimals values as strings) and if it is, to sort the grid according to the HiddenDecimalColumn. I am attaching a sample project where you could see this.
Please note that when using the second approach, the HeaderElement (of the TextColumn) will not indicate the sorting (the small arrow indicating ASC or DESC order will not appear). What I can suggest is to catch the CellFormating and for make a custom formatting for the sorted column, if you prefer this approach.
If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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Vahagn Hokhikyan
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answered on 31 Jan 2011, 10:53 PM
Thank you for posting the example Stefan, since I have a similar issue and can use provided code. Just to be clear, I will be using the OnMouseDownLeft approach since mine is not a formatting issue. When one of my column headers is clicked I will be sorting the grid on 3 hidden columns. I see how to do it using the code you provided but I would also like to be able to get the sorting glyph on the column header to indicate what direction the column is sorted.
When I enable the soring on my visible column (it is an unbound column) the gridview sorts on my 3 hidden columns and at the end goes back to unsorted mode again. I think this is because a sorting is being attempted on my visible column which resets the sort descriptors. How can I detect that a sort on my visible column is firing in the SortChanging event to cancel it?
Thank you!
When I enable the soring on my visible column (it is an unbound column) the gridview sorts on my 3 hidden columns and at the end goes back to unsorted mode again. I think this is because a sorting is being attempted on my visible column which resets the sort descriptors. How can I detect that a sort on my visible column is firing in the SortChanging event to cancel it?
Thank you!
Hello Vahagn Hokhikyan,
Thank you for writing.
In order to implement your scenario you can disable the sorting for the visible column by using the OnMouseDownLeft which allows you to detect when sorting is called on this column. Then, in the OnMouseDownLeft simply add the necessary group descriptors and the grid will be sorted by the hidden columns. This way you do not need to cancel the filtering for the visible column because it is already disabled.
See the attached sample for more details.
Let me know if you need further assistance.
the Telerik team
Thank you for writing.
In order to implement your scenario you can disable the sorting for the visible column by using the OnMouseDownLeft which allows you to detect when sorting is called on this column. Then, in the OnMouseDownLeft simply add the necessary group descriptors and the grid will be sorted by the hidden columns. This way you do not need to cancel the filtering for the visible column because it is already disabled.
See the attached sample for more details.
Let me know if you need further assistance.
the Telerik team