I was trying to create a quick KendoUI demo with a small table.
The table is about 14 columns with 139 row.
The demo consists of a chart to display the first row of the grid and 2 grids just to test that it is possible to show 2 grids...
I used firebug to test the load time... it takes 1.39 secs on average... would like it to be fast if possible...
But what is annoying is that when I click to another page on the grid, each page showing only 10 records, it takes over 2 seconds?!?
I don't understand why it takes longer to page across pages than to load the entire page...
I also tried this via AJAX using MVC but the same page takes 6 seconds to load and paging there takes 6 seconds too...
Can anyone tell me why the demo I am using with BindTo is taking so long to page between pages?
I've been looking at JQgrid and its instantaneous there.... I can't see why it is so slow in KendoUI....
I was trying to create a quick KendoUI demo with a small table.
The table is about 14 columns with 139 row.
The demo consists of a chart to display the first row of the grid and 2 grids just to test that it is possible to show 2 grids...
I used firebug to test the load time... it takes 1.39 secs on average... would like it to be fast if possible...
But what is annoying is that when I click to another page on the grid, each page showing only 10 records, it takes over 2 seconds?!?
I don't understand why it takes longer to page across pages than to load the entire page...
I also tried this via AJAX using MVC but the same page takes 6 seconds to load and paging there takes 6 seconds too...
Can anyone tell me why the demo I am using with BindTo is taking so long to page between pages?
I've been looking at JQgrid and its instantaneous there.... I can't see why it is so slow in KendoUI....