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Slow performance on large db?

1 Answer 156 Views
Scheduler and Reminder
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Karl asked on 01 May 2012, 02:43 PM

Using RadScheduler binding via schedulerBindingDataSource with an appointment table of an access.mdb with over 22000 appointments takes an enormous long time. When I filter to just one month in the Select statement of the TableAdapter resulting to about 200 appointments it takes about 4 seconds. If I also use the field Description it takes about 7 secs. Surely I'm doing something wrong. Could you give me some ideas of possible causes of slow performance?

Thank you

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Ivan Todorov
Telerik team
answered on 04 May 2012, 01:08 PM
Hello Karl,

Thank you for contacting us.

I have tested such scenario with loading an Access database with 22000 records and the form loads for about 2.6 seconds. Most of this time is spend in the Fill method of the table adapter which retrieves the data from the database. Also, you say that the performance increases when you filter the results. This makes me think that the problem might be caused by slow access to your database file.

I have attached the project I used for testing this locally. You can use test it to compare the performances (when you first open the form, click "Add lots", then click "Save", close the form and open it again).

If you are still experiencing difficulties, you can open a new support ticket and send us the project you used for testing. This will let us investigate it, test it locally and try to isolate any performance issues if there are such.

Please let me know whenever you have any development on this case. Also, if you have any additional questions, feel free to ask.

All the best,
Ivan Todorov
the Telerik team
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Scheduler and Reminder
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Ivan Todorov
Telerik team
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