Using RadScheduler binding via schedulerBindingDataSource with an appointment table of an access.mdb with over 22000 appointments takes an enormous long time. When I filter to just one month in the Select statement of the TableAdapter resulting to about 200 appointments it takes about 4 seconds. If I also use the field Description it takes about 7 secs. Surely I'm doing something wrong. Could you give me some ideas of possible causes of slow performance?
Thank you
Using RadScheduler binding via schedulerBindingDataSource with an appointment table of an access.mdb with over 22000 appointments takes an enormous long time. When I filter to just one month in the Select statement of the TableAdapter resulting to about 200 appointments it takes about 4 seconds. If I also use the field Description it takes about 7 secs. Surely I'm doing something wrong. Could you give me some ideas of possible causes of slow performance?
Thank you