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Simple list from JSON file

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Lan asked on 19 Apr 2017, 07:47 PM

The column headers are displaying but no data from the JSON file I used in my source.

<div id="example">
           <div id="grid"></div>
               $(document).ready(function() {
                       dataSource: {
                           type: "json",
                           serverPaging: true,
                           serverSorting: true,
                           pageSize: 100,
                           transport: {
                               read: "http://localhost/Temp/examples/grid/data.json",
                       height: 543,
                       scrollable: {
                           virtual: true
                       sortable: true,
                       columns: [
                           { field: "FirstName", title: "First Name", width: 100 },
                           { field: "LastName", title: "Last Name", width: 100},
                           { field: "Email", title: "Email", width: 50 },
                           { field: "Desk", title: "Desk", width: 50 },
                           { field: "Mobile", title: "Mobile", width: 50 },
                           { field: "Location", title: "Location", width: 110 }
               /*horizontal Grid scrollbar should appear if the browser window is shrinked too much*/
               #grid table
                   min-width: 1190px;


Maybe the JSON fine isn't properly formatted?


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answered on 20 Apr 2017, 01:12 PM

OK, I at least have a grid showing with no data now

        <div id="example">
            <div id="grid"></div>
                $(document).ready(function() {
                        dataSource: {
                            type: "json",
                            serverPaging: true,
                            serverSorting: true,
                            pageSize: 100,
                            transport: {
                                read: "data1.php",
                        height: 543,
                        scrollable: {
                            virtual: true,
                        sortable: true,
                        columns: [
                            { field: "Firstname", title: "First Name", width: 120 },
                            { field: "LastName", title: "Last Name", width: 120},
                            { field: "Email", title: "Email", width: 120 },
                            { field: "Desk", title: "Desk", width: 120 },
                            { field: "Mobile", title: "Mobile", width: 160 },
                            { field: "Location", title: "Location", width: 160 }
                /*horizontal Grid scrollbar should appear if the browser window is shrinked too much*/
                #grid table
                    min-width: 1190px;



I tried putting the json data in to a php file

   "FirstName": "aaa",
   "LastName": "bbb",
   "Email": "ccc",
   "Desk": "ddd",
   "Mobile": "eee",
   "Location": "fff",
   "Address": "ggg",
   "FirstName": "aaa",
   "LastName": "bbb",
   "Email": "ccc",
   "Desk": "ddd",
   "Mobile": "eee",
   "Location": "fff",
   "Address": "ggg",
   "FirstName": "aaa",
   "LastName": "bbb",
   "Email": "ccc",
   "Desk": "ddd",
   "Mobile": "eee",
   "Location": "fff",
   "Address": "ggg",
Telerik team
answered on 21 Apr 2017, 09:55 AM
Hello Lan,

I can assume that the issue occurs because the provided JSON is not in a valid JSON format.

Once I formatted the JSON the Grid is populated as expected:

        "FirstName": "aaa",
        "LastName": "bbb",
        "Email": "ccc",
        "Desk": "ddd",
        "Mobile": "eee",
        "Location": "fff",
        "Address": "ggg"
        "FirstName": "aaa",
        "LastName": "bbb",
        "Email": "ccc",
        "Desk": "ddd",
        "Mobile": "eee",
        "Location": "fff",
        "Address": "ggg"

Also, the column Firstname, the field is with small N and in the JSON is with capital N.

I hope this will help to resolve the issue.

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