i want to show the pie chart based on DataGroupcolumn
3 columns -
1.resource name - legend
2. usage time - Y axis
3. Date - X axis
Line chart is showing correctly,This is the coding i used(displaying number of lines based on resources)
DataSet dsChart = new DataSet();
Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Chart chart = (Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Chart)sender;
Telerik.Reporting.Chart chartDef = (Telerik.Reporting.Chart)chart.ItemDefinition;
dsChart = DBMethods.GetDetailsForInstrumentUsageByDateChart(facilityId, fromDate, toDate, isActual, resourceId);
(sender as Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Chart).DataSource = dsChart;
chartDef.DefaultType = Telerik.Reporting.Charting.ChartSeriesType.Line;
chartDef.DataGroupColumn = "resource_name";
chartDef.AutoLayout = true;
chartDef.IntelligentLabelsEnabled = true;
chartDef.Legend.Appearance.GroupNameFormat = "#VALUE";//this will display the usage time
chartDef.PlotArea.XAxis.DataLabelsColumn = "date";
How to show the pie chart based on those three fields?
Thanks for any help
i want to show the pie chart based on DataGroupcolumn
3 columns -
1.resource name - legend
2. usage time - Y axis
3. Date - X axis
Line chart is showing correctly,This is the coding i used(displaying number of lines based on resources)
DataSet dsChart = new DataSet();
Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Chart chart = (Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Chart)sender;
Telerik.Reporting.Chart chartDef = (Telerik.Reporting.Chart)chart.ItemDefinition;
dsChart = DBMethods.GetDetailsForInstrumentUsageByDateChart(facilityId, fromDate, toDate, isActual, resourceId);
(sender as Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Chart).DataSource = dsChart;
chartDef.DefaultType = Telerik.Reporting.Charting.ChartSeriesType.Line;
chartDef.DataGroupColumn = "resource_name";
chartDef.AutoLayout = true;
chartDef.IntelligentLabelsEnabled = true;
chartDef.Legend.Appearance.GroupNameFormat = "#VALUE";//this will display the usage time
chartDef.PlotArea.XAxis.DataLabelsColumn = "date";
How to show the pie chart based on those three fields?
Thanks for any help