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Showing Entrie Row as a TreeNode

8 Answers 98 Views
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Tooraj asked on 08 May 2011, 08:18 AM
I want to show all field of a row of a table as a node in treeview, Header of columns must be appeared.
You suppose the RadGridView with support for showing it's data like a tree.
First row is parent of second row and this goes until end of the table.
if Telerik doesn't support this, please put a link about what I need.

Thank you,
Telerik really helps me!
Tooraj Azizi.

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Telerik team
answered on 11 May 2011, 11:09 AM
Hi Tooraj,

I cannot understand your requirements. I would kindly ask you to illustrate in details what you want to achieve. Could you describe the table structure and how the RadTreeView control should present it? 
In addition, you can read more about the supported hierarchies in RadTreeView in the online documentation.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team
Q1’11 SP1 of RadControls for WinForms is available for download; also available is the Q2'11 Roadmap for Telerik Windows Forms controls.
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answered on 14 May 2011, 04:18 AM
You know Component1 has provided a FlexGrid which can show it's records like tree nodes.
Suppose there is a letter which an employee must pass it to higher level employees (Managers) so we have these columns:

sendername  receivername  date             result
+Emp1               Emp2          90/02/22        Accept
  + Emp2               Manager      90/02/15      Accept
       +Manager         Emp2             91/04/14    Reject

this shows flow of a letter in an office. Nth record's parent is (N-1)th record.
was that clear enough?

Telerik team
answered on 18 May 2011, 04:46 PM
Hi Tooraj,

Thank you for this clarification. Now I understand your scenario. Our RadGridView control supports self-reference binding mode where it behaves like a tree-list control. Please check the GridView - Hierarchy - Self Reference example in our demo application and the following help article for more details.

If you need further assistance, we will be glad to assist you.
the Telerik team
Q1’11 SP1 of RadControls for WinForms is available for download; also available is the Q2'11 Roadmap for Telerik Windows Forms controls.
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answered on 21 May 2011, 06:01 AM
Thank you.
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answered on 25 Jun 2011, 06:50 AM
But still a problem remains unsolved:
Executing Fill method of the adapter for the first time works fine but when I filter the table and I Fill the table for the second time the hierarchy becomes corrupt and the records are not shown appropraite.
Telerik team
answered on 29 Jun 2011, 12:12 PM
Hi Tooraj,

Thank you for writing us back. 

Could you please send us your application. We will research this issue and we will try to find a solution. Thank you in advance.

You can send your project in one of the other support thread that concern the same issue. You can find these threads in Your Account.

I am looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes,
the Telerik team
Q1’11 SP1 of RadControls for WinForms is available for download; also available is the Q2'11 Roadmap for Telerik Windows Forms controls.
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answered on 02 Jul 2011, 01:04 PM
I want to tell you the problem as I describe here:

I've used this link to make self reference:

adapter.Fill(MyTable); // Until now everything is good.

adapter.FillByRequestNo(MyTable, "S-0011"); // Maybe OK!
adapter.FillByRequestNo(MyTable, "S-0010"); // This line of code crashes the hierarchy !
Telerik team
answered on 07 Jul 2011, 09:21 AM
Hi Tooraj,

Thank you for your feedback.

It seems that you are executing a custom query in this case. I am not able to reproduce and confirm the issue. Could you please send me your project? I will test it and I will try to find the best option for this scenario.  

Please note that you have to open a new support ticket in order to be able to attach your project.

I am looking forward to your reply.
All the best,
the Telerik team
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