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Show Tooltip

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Shirya asked on 16 Jan 2009, 07:27 PM
I would like my application to show every tooltip  when i click on a button.
i have a combobox, a button in my radmenuButtonItem and a radButton for example.
When i click on a button "Show ToolTip", I would like to show all the toolTips
And if i click once again on my button, it hide them all.

i try this, but it does not work:
 Public Sub ShowToolTips() 
  radButton1.RootElement.ToolTipText = "radButton1 toolTip" 
  radButton1.RootElement.AutoToolTip = True 
  radMenuButtonItem1.ToolTipText = "radMenuButtonItem1 toolTip" 
  radMenuButtonItem1.AutoToolTip = True 
  radComboBox1.RootElement.AutoToolTip = True 
  radComboBox1.RootElement.ToolTipText = "radComboBox1 toolTip" 
End Sub() 
could you help me
Thank you

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answered on 20 Jan 2009, 09:40 AM
Hello Shirya,

Thank you for your inquiry.

We do not support this scenario - multiple tooltips are shown concurrently - so you cannot implement it using our tooltips. You may create your own custom solution though. For instance you can use the standard tooltips or the Form class if you want more advance scenarios (display multiple small borderless forms). Please refer to the sample solution using the regular ToolTips:
Public Class Form1  
    Private offsetX As Integer = 35  
    Private offsetY As Integer = 50  
    Private toolTip1 As ToolTip = New ToolTip()  
    Private toolTip2 As ToolTip = New ToolTip()  
    Public Sub New()  
        AddHandler radButton1.MouseDown, AddressOf radButton1_MouseDown  
        AddHandler radButton2.MouseDown, AddressOf radButton2_MouseDown  
    End Sub 
    Private Sub radButton1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As ObjectByVal e As MouseEventArgs)  
    End Sub 
    Private Sub radButton2_MouseDown(ByVal sender As ObjectByVal e As MouseEventArgs)  
        toolTip1.Show("ToolTip1 for RadButton1"MeMe.radButton1.Location.X + offsetX, Me.radButton1.Location.Y + offsetY, 5000000)  
        toolTip2.Show("ToolTip2 for RadButton2"MeMe.radButton2.Location.X + offsetX, Me.radButton2.Location.Y + offsetY, 5000000)  
    End Sub 
End Class 

Please note that you should custom layout the tooltips since they can overlap each other depending on the layout of the controls.

Do not hesitate to write me back if you have more questions.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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