I have this kendo jquery grid, and I want to display the selected row values to the form above. How can I best achieve that?
and secondly, I want to send the selected row(s) to a controller for processing...
<div><input id="TxtLoanCodeDescription" /></div>
<div id="grid"></div>
<script src="~/Scripts/loanInstallments.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
dataSource: {
data: installments,
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
InstallmentNo: { type: "string" },
InstallmentPeriod: { type: "string" },
InstallmentMonth: { type: "string" },
Principal: { type: "string" },
PrincipalRepaid: { type: "string" },
PrincipalBalance: { type: "string" },
Interest: { type: "string" },
InterestRepaid: { type: "string" },
InterestBalance: { type: "string" }
pageSize: 20
//toolbar: ["search"],
height: 155,
scrollable: true,
selectable: "multiple",
sortable: false,
filterable: false,
pageable: false,
columns: [
{ field: "InstallmentNo", title: "Install", width: "50px" },
{ field: "InstallmentPeriod", title: "Period" },
{ field: "InstallmentMonth", title: "Month" },
{ field: "Principal", title: "Principal" },
{ field: "PrincipalRepaid", title: "Principal Repaid" },
{ field: "PrincipalBalance", title: "Principal Balance" },
{ field: "Interest", title: "Interest" },
{ field: "InterestRepaid", title: "Interest Repaid" },
{ field: "InterestBalance", title: "Interest Balance" }
var installments = [
InstallmentNo: "1",
InstallmentPeriod: "June 2020",
InstallmentMonth: "June",
Principal: "10, 000.00",
PrincipalRepaid: "0.00",
PrincipalBalance: "10, 000.00",
Interest: "0.00",
InterestRepaid: "0.00",
InterestBalance: "0.00"
InstallmentNo: "2",
InstallmentPeriod: "June 2020",
InstallmentMonth: "June",
Principal: "10, 000.00",
PrincipalRepaid: "0.00",
PrincipalBalance: "10, 000.00",
Interest: "0.00",
InterestRepaid: "0.00",
InterestBalance: "0.00"
InstallmentNo: "3",
InstallmentPeriod: "June 2020",
InstallmentMonth: "June",
Principal: "10, 000.00",
PrincipalRepaid: "0.00",
PrincipalBalance: "10, 000.00",
Interest: "0.00",
InterestRepaid: "0.00",
InterestBalance: "0.00"
}, {
InstallmentNo: "4",
InstallmentPeriod: "June 2020",
InstallmentMonth: "June",
Principal: "10, 000.00",
PrincipalRepaid: "0.00",
PrincipalBalance: "10, 000.00",
Interest: "0.00",
InterestRepaid: "0.00",
InterestBalance: "0.00"