3 Answers, 1 is accepted
We do not have such a cheat sheet because you should be able to use the Kendo UI widgets in VS 2010 as any other html/javascript components. There is nothing special about Visual Studio or other html editor environment incorporated in our widgets (specific enhancements of any kind, layout support, or something else).
the Telerik team

I am migrating project from asp.net framework to asp.net core 3.1
While migrating UI i am getting below error
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () kendoui.tff:1
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () kendoui.woff:1
any suggestion and help will be highly appreciated on how to proceed further on this.
Hello Sam,
The same question has been already answered in this thread https://www.telerik.com/forums/404-error-for-file-kendoui-woff#v12zU4_VfUigzVEBly-L_Q . In case the suggested approaches for solving the issue don't help, please provide us with isolated sample runnable project where the issue could be observed and send it back together with the reproduction steps.
In this way we will be enabled to run it locally, investigate the case on our side and do our best to provide you with more detailed information and reliable solution.
Wish you a great day!
Progress Telerik
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