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Setting first panel bar to be open using k-state-active reloads the entire page inside the panel bar container

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Jacques asked on 05 Nov 2013, 07:48 AM
I have no idea how this is happening, but when I try to set the default panel to open using class='k-state-active' the page loads and then the page loads again inside the open panel. 

The HTML: 
<ul id="strategyPanels">
    <li class="k-state-active">Asset Class Allocator
        <div id="assetClassAllocator"></div>
    <li>Fund Allocator
        <div>investment fund stuff</div>
    <li>Cost Calculator
        <div>cost calculator</div>
and the script: 
There is more JavaScript initializing a Kendo Grid using the assetClassAllocator DIV. 

Note: If I set the second panel as active it works fine: 
<ul id="strategyPanels">
    <li>Asset Class Allocator
        <div id="assetClassAllocator"></div>
    <li class="k-state-active">Fund Allocator
        <div>investment fund stuff</div>
    <li>Cost Calculator
        <div>cost calculator</div>
Same goes for the third panel. 

Another Option: 
I've even tried doing this directly via JavaScript, but it does the same thing. 
//setup panel bars
var panelBar = $('#strategyPanels').data('kendoPanelBar');
panelBar.expand($('#strategyPanels li:first-child'));
So it would seem that this has something to do with the Kendo Grid in the first panel.
What potential issues could cause the panel bar to behave like this? 


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answered on 05 Nov 2013, 08:10 AM
Found 'a' solution that works for me: 
//setup panel bars
        expand: function (e)
               //now run the code to create the Kendo Grid
var panelBar = $('#strategyPanels').data('kendoPanelBar');
panelBar.expand($('#strategyPanels li:first-child'), false);
Waiting for the panel bar item to finish expanding seems to be the trick. Although this does indicate some kind of flaw with the PanelBar Grid combination. 
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