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Set selected node ID to ViewModel

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Stefan asked on 11 Sep 2012, 02:00 PM

after some days of trying I finally managed to display a TreeView by transforming database entries to a treeview structure and pass it to the view inside a viewmodel.

public class LibraryTreeFormModel
    public int LibraryTreeNodeId { get; set; }
    public bool AddNode { get; set; }
    public bool DeleteNode { get; set; }
    public bool RenameNode { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public List<TreeNodesStruct> Tree { get; set; }
public struct TreeNodesStruct
    public int LibraryTreeNodeId { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public int? ParentNodeId { get; set; }
    public List<TreeNodesStruct> ChildNodes { get; set; }

<% bool isCalledFirstTime = true; %>
     Action<List<KellyServices.Website.Areas.Admin.Models.TreeNodesStruct>> libraryTreeNodeMacros = null;
     libraryTreeNodeMacros = libraryTreeNodes =>
     { %>
            <% if (isCalledFirstTime)
               { %>
            <ul id="treeView">
            <% isCalledFirstTime = false;
               { %>
            <%} %>
            <% foreach (var c in libraryTreeNodes)
               { %>
                <li data-id="<%= c.LibraryTreeNodeId.ToString() %>"><img style="vertical-align: middle" src="<%: Url.Content("~/Content/images/filesystem_folder_yellow_small.png") %>" /> <%= Html.Encode(c.Title)%>
                <% if (c.ChildNodes != null && c.ChildNodes.Count() > 0) libraryTreeNodeMacros(c.ChildNodes);  %>
            <% } %>
        <% }; %>
    <% var libraryTreeNodesSub = Model.Tree; %>
    <% libraryTreeNodeMacros(libraryTreeNodesSub); %>

public TreeNodesStruct RecursiveTreeChildGetter(TreeNodesStruct root, ICollection<LibraryTreeNode> allNodes)
            var childs = allNodes.Where(n => n.ParentNodeId == root.LibraryTreeNodeId);
            if (childs != null && childs.ToList().Count > 0)
                if (root.ChildNodes == null)
                    root.ChildNodes = new List<TreeNodesStruct>();
                foreach (LibraryTreeNode child in childs)
                    TreeNodesStruct treeChild = new TreeNodesStruct();
                    treeChild.ChildNodes = new List<TreeNodesStruct>();
                    treeChild.LibraryTreeNodeId = child.LibraryTreeNodeId;
                    treeChild.Title = child.Title;
                    treeChild.ParentNodeId = child.ParentNodeId;
                    treeChild.ChildNodes = RecursiveTreeChildGetter(treeChild, allNodes).ChildNodes;
            return root;
        public ActionResult LibraryTreePartial()
            List<TreeNodesStruct> tree = new List<TreeNodesStruct>();
            ICollection<LibraryTreeNode> nodes = libraryTreeNodeService.GetAllItems();
            var roots = nodes.Where(n => n.ParentNodeId == null);
            foreach (LibraryTreeNode root in roots)
                TreeNodesStruct treeRoot = new TreeNodesStruct();
                treeRoot.ChildNodes = new List<TreeNodesStruct>();
                treeRoot.LibraryTreeNodeId = root.LibraryTreeNodeId;
                treeRoot.Title = root.Title;
                treeRoot.ChildNodes = RecursiveTreeChildGetter(treeRoot, nodes).ChildNodes;
            var viewModel = new LibraryTreeFormModel();
            viewModel.Tree = new List<TreeNodesStruct>();
            viewModel.Tree = tree;
            return View(viewModel);

I can get the selected node ID via javascript:
function initTreeview() {
        var treeview = $("#treeView").kendoTreeView({           
            select: function (e) { addNewNode($(e.node).data("id")); }

My question now is, how can I pass the selected node ID to the view model? I cannot do so in the javascript, for the model is not accessible within the script.

What I want to do is pass the selected node and the value from a textbox to the controller so that the user is able to create new subnodes. Any suggestions or workarounds?



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Stefan Binder
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answered on 17 Sep 2012, 03:34 PM
I found a working solution myself:

Keep the selected ID in a variable
var selectedTreeNode;
$(document).ready(function () {
    function initTreeview() {
        var treeview = $("#treeView").kendoTreeView({           
            select: function (e) { selectedTreeNode = $(e.node).data("id"); }

Call javascript function on button click and pass new nodes name
<label>Title: </label>
<input type="text" name="subMenuTitle" id="subMenuTitle" />
<button id="btnAddNode" title="ad action">Add node</button>
    $('#btnAddNode').click(function () {

Call controller method to add node under selected node
    function addNewNode(title)
            type: "POST",
            url: "<%: Url.Content("~/[Controller]/[Method]/?nodeId=") %>" + selectedTreeNode + "&nodeTitle=" + title,
            success: function(result)
//                if(result.success) //do not know yet how to have the image put in the field, even json
//                {
//                    window.alert("success!");
//                }
            error : function(req, status, error)
//                window.alert("Error!");  

If I now find out how to update a partial view from the controller (just returning the partial view with the updated viewmodel in the controllers ActionResult method will not update the content) my programm is running.


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Stefan Binder
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