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Set Marker Color based on center coo//rdinates.

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Nathan asked on 11 Jul 2017, 05:06 PM

Hi guys I am trying to figure out how to set my center coordinates marker to a different color or a different image if that is easier. 


Based on the center coordinates we would like to place a marker on the map that identifies the center location. This marker should be identifiable by color. A good example of this would be the "You Are Here" on a map program like Around Me.  

It would also be ideal if there were a way to tag specific markers and change their colors. Example all the red markers are restaurants, all the blue markers are pubs, etc.

I have been working with the markerActivate function since from what I have read this is the opportunity to change marker color before rendering. However, I have not discovered a way to get a specific marker by name or coordinates. 

i.e. if (e.marker.someidentifier == 'foo') {

// change marker color code. 


Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. 

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answered on 12 Jul 2017, 01:54 PM

I resolved this issue here is my solution. Note the lat and long is hard coded for the example. 

markerActivate: function (e) {
                    if (e.marker.dataItem.latlng[0] === 33.7465 && e.marker.dataItem.latlng[1] === -84.3915) {
                            .backgroundImage =

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