Hi, we were testing Telerik Server Grouping with virtualization, as it is shown in the example for it and we are seeing strange behaviour.
When I select a group which has enough records inside, the scrolling in the group down to make it request another page will actually append again the same records which are already displayed - from the first page actually.
The easiest steps to reproduce this behaviour is
1. Go to demo page
https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/server-grouppaging-virtualization and click to Edit in Dojo. It opens https://dojo.telerik.com/afoCefOJ
Then, to get rid of narrow groups I will change grouping from
group: [{ field: "city", dir: "asc" }, { field: "companyName", dir: "asc" }],
group: [{ field: "city", dir: "asc" }],
and also adjust pageSize to 10:
pageSize: 10,
2. Now, when I Run example, open Chrome Debug tools to Network traffic and expand Shady shores, I get records starting with:
GC30TRSSMTI706Z, Ireland
I can see first request starting wtih Page:1
3. Now I scroll the virtual view just a bit down to get another 10 records. Surprisingly, I get same records again.
GC30TRSSMTI706Z, Ireland
Is it expected behaviour, or how can I fix it to scroll to next records on another request ?
Thank you kindly,