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Server filtering, virtual scrolling, scrolling events for Angular combobox

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Michael asked on 02 Aug 2017, 03:32 PM


Our team is developing forms with cascading comboboxes with big datasets.

Because of this we looking for this features:

- server filtering, now combobox supports only local data,

- virtual scrolling and scrolling events.


Will this features be implemented in the nearest future?


Thank you for any answers.

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answered on 03 Aug 2017, 12:49 PM
Hello Michael,

The Kendo UI ComboBox widget can be configured to work with remote data by setting its DataSource to read from a remote end-point. You can check this demo, which shows how to configure remote data binding.

By default the DataSource performs filtering client-side, unless the serverFiltering property is set to true. This will leave the filtering implementation to the remote service. Demo for ComboBox Server Filtering

The ComboBox widget also supports UI and data virtualization, which is useful for displaying large datasets. This enables showing a fixed amount of items in the pop-up list of the widget by also reusing the DOM elements for showing the next data chunk. In addition to this, only a specified data page is being requested from the server instead of the whole dataset. Demo for ComboBox Virtualization.

Also, the Kendo UI Demos Service can be found on the following GitHub repository. You can use it as a reference for the back-end implementation of the above examples.

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