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Serious Gridview error and issues

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Ryan asked on 07 Apr 2011, 08:14 PM
Visual Studio 2008 Pro, .Net 3.5, SP 1
SQL Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Winforms Q1 2011

Both issues relate to the property builder for RadGridView

Whenever anything is changed in the property builder and the OK button clicked, the mouse pointer changes to busy and it takes two full minutes for the window to close. This window is modal and I have to wait to do anything else in Visual Studio.

More serious is the grid I created as an auto hierarchy from dataset. This is using two table adapters with a one to many relationship. Creating the grid is OK, and it functions properly. Once I start changing column names/widths etc, it begins to error when I try to open the property builder.

"Error invoking 'Open Property Builder'. Details: Stack Empty.

I've researched this error a bit and found a thread stating that this should have been hot-fixed seven months I'm wondering what can be done.

Also, once this occurs, strange things start to happen with the RadGridView. Sometimes the context menu doesn't show properly; the designer seems to think the control is actually a MasterTableView. Also had null object errors when viewing the designer code page. After restarting VS, the grid and all references were deleted.

Thanks for any help...I would really like to use the hierarchy function of the grid instead of two separate ones.

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answered on 07 Apr 2011, 08:25 PM
OK, so I just found out that it has to do with auto generated templates in the child grid. If one of the templates is deleted the property builder opens. Can this be submitted somewhere so it's actually fixed?

Original thread from July 2010...

There's still an issue with the time it takes to close the builder though.
Telerik team
answered on 12 Apr 2011, 05:04 PM
Hello Ryan,

Thank you for the detailed description of these errors. Regarding the issues:

1. I confirm that when removing a child template the property builder closes and causes a mess in the design time surface. I added the issue in our bug tracking system and it will be addressed in the upcoming service pack. I updated also your Telerik points accordingly.

2. We were not able to reproduce the described performance issue when closing the property builder. Please, send us your application so we can investigate this case in detail.

3. We were also not able to reproduce the exception when changing column properties. Please describe in detail the exact steps needed to reproduce it.

I am looking forward to your reply.
All the best,
the Telerik team
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