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Series in columns of datasource

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Steven asked on 09 Oct 2013, 02:22 PM
I have been reading a number of posts here and still am struggling with the proper method for binding series to the "columns" of a datasource.    

The issue I am running up against is that I don't have control over the datasource (generic webservice call), but I need to be able to put it into the proper chart structure.

Assume my web service call returns the following:

rows: [
    { Dept: "Shoes", Q1: 100, Q2: 200, Q3: 220, Q4: 180 },
    { Dept: "Shirts", Q1: 140, Q2: 160, Q3: 390, Q4: 200 },
    { Dept: "Pants", Q1: 180, Q2: 190, Q3: 400, Q4: 320 },
    { Dept: "Tops", Q1: 520, Q2: 600, Q3: 425, Q4: 570 }

What I am looking for is to create a line chart where the each department is a category and the series is Q1 - Q4.   The problem is, I don't know in advance that I will get for the "columns" (i.e Q1 - Q4).   It might be a range of years from 2005 - 2013, or it may be a set of months Jan - Dec.    

Is there a way to do this generically?    

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T. Tsonev
Telerik team
answered on 11 Oct 2013, 09:21 AM

The generic approach would be to pre-process the incoming data in the data source schema.parse method.

schema.parse: function(response) {
    return $.map(response.rows, function(r) {
       var result = [];
       for (var key in r) {
           if (key !== "Dept") {
               result.push({ dept: r.Dept, period: key, value: r[key] });
       return result;

This will "denormalize" the data in dept/period/value points:

[{"dept":"Shoes","period":"Q1","value":100},{"dept":"Shoes","period":"Q2","value":200},{"dept":"Shirts","period":"Q1","value":140},{"dept":"Shirts","period":"Q2","value":160} ...]

You need to enable grouping by "dept" on the data source as in the grouping example. Set series field and categoryField and you should have your chart. Regards,
T. Tsonev
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