Hello all
I've got a strange one. I've got a treeview with check boxes in a tool window in a RadDock.
When I change the docking on the window, the treeview loses its children. The parents stay, but the children are gone - there are no children at all and the parent node doesn't expand.
As a work around I tried reloading the treeview after the dock state changes, but then the children get reloaded, so that every time I dock I get a new set of children nested inside the existing children. I've tried clearing the treeview and setting the data source to nothing before reloading. Here's the code:
Some screenshots attached - I have blocked out the values displayed in the nodes because it's client data, but hopefully you can see.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance....
I've got a strange one. I've got a treeview with check boxes in a tool window in a RadDock.
When I change the docking on the window, the treeview loses its children. The parents stay, but the children are gone - there are no children at all and the parent node doesn't expand.
As a work around I tried reloading the treeview after the dock state changes, but then the children get reloaded, so that every time I dock I get a new set of children nested inside the existing children. I've tried clearing the treeview and setting the data source to nothing before reloading. Here's the code:
Private Sub DockMain_DockStateChanged(sender As System.Object, e As Telerik.WinControls.UI.Docking.DockWindowEventArgs) Handles DockMain.DockStateChanged
Filter_Equipment.DataSource = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub LoadEquipmentTreeView()
Filter_Equipment.DataSource = _Context.FindEquipmentType(Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
Filter_Equipment.DisplayMember = "EquipmentTypeName"
Filter_Equipment.ValueMember = "EquipmentTypeID"
Filter_Equipment.RelationBindings.Add(New RelationBinding(_Context.FindEquipment(Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing), "EquipmentShortName", "EquipmentTypeID", "EquipmentTypeID", "EquipmentID"))
End Sub
Some screenshots attached - I have blocked out the values displayed in the nodes because it's client data, but hopefully you can see.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance....