I am new in here. I hope someone will help me.I'm writing this peace of code to check if the inputted text are correct and change the color my text if it is wrong
My error is on SelectionStart and SelectionColor
Please see below my code
Private Sub RadRichTextEditor1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadRichTextEditor1.TextChanged
Dim ValuetoCheck= RadRichTextEditor2.Text
Dim ArrayValue() As String = W.Split(" ")
For Each searchword As String In ValuetoCheck
Dim index As Integer = 0
While index <> -1
index = RadRichTextEditor1.Text.IndexOf(searchword, index)
If index <> -1 Then
If index = RadRichTextEditor1.Text.Length - searchword.Length - 1 Then
RadRichTextEditor1.SelectionStart = index
RichTRadRichTextEditor1extBox1.SelectionLength = searchword.Length
RadRichTextEditor1.SelectionColor = Color.Black
RadRichTextEditor1.SelectionStart = RadRichTextEditor1.Text.Length
Exit Sub
index += 1
End If
RadRichTextEditor1.SelectionStart = n
RadRichTextEditor1.SelectionColor = Color.Red
End If
End While
Next ' added
End Sub