Hello there
I'm wondering if it is possible to select the last item inside a node. Example:
A + (main node)
A1 + (child node of A)
A2 + (child node of A)
B + (main node)
The plus sign (icon) behind each item is kinda an add item functionality inside that node. F.e. if I click on the + behind the A it would create a child item inside its node, in this case A3 + :
A + (clicked on the +)
A1 +
A2 +
A3 + (new item created)
B +
That works fine. What I want now after creating a newitem that way is to SELECT (jump) the newly created item:
A +
A1 +
A2 +
A3 + (item is selected)
B +
I'm aware of this: treeview.select(".k-item:last");
In my case it would jump to B + (always to the end of the very last item. Can I somehow (easily) restrict the "last" so it would jump to the last element inside the node I have added a new item?