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select first row in a grouped grid

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Shaun asked on 27 Feb 2014, 10:31 AM
So I have a kendo Grid and a datasource populated by an ajax call.

the grid has groupable set to true. 
when someone groups by a column I'd like to automatically select the first row in the first group.   I also have a button somewhere outside the group which needs to do the same this.

I am basically trying to make sure the first row in the grid is selected whatever the user is doing, group or not.

grid.table.find('tr:first'); this line correctly identifies the first row BEFORE any group is added but if I try that after the grouping is done it will simply return the first group's header and it's not what I need.

How can I achieve this?

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Dimiter Madjarov
Telerik team
answered on 27 Feb 2014, 11:07 AM
Hi Stuart,

To assure that the retrieved row is an actual grid item row, you could add an attribute selector by role='row'.

Dimiter Madjarov
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Dimiter Madjarov
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