I have a little issue, i'm explaining :
I'm working with Kendo and Google Map API and some data are retrieve from the API, like address, postal code, city, country, etc...
I would like to populate different ComboBoxes (Address combobox, Postal Code combobox, etc...)
The problem is that i don't know how to retrieve the selected value from a combobox, any idea please ?
Here is my code :
On Controller (which populate countries combobox) :
Index.cshtml :
In the javascript file :
I tried with a document.getElementsByName ou document.getElementById, to set the value, but i still fail :/
Any idea ?
Edit : I've found, you have to set the trigger manually : countriesComboBox.trigger("change");
I have a little issue, i'm explaining :
I'm working with Kendo and Google Map API and some data are retrieve from the API, like address, postal code, city, country, etc...
I would like to populate different ComboBoxes (Address combobox, Postal Code combobox, etc...)
The problem is that i don't know how to retrieve the selected value from a combobox, any idea please ?
Here is my code :
On Controller (which populate countries combobox) :
public JsonResult GetCascadeCountries() { return Json(_db.Countries.Select(c => new {CountryId = c.Id, CountryName = c.CountryName }), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
Index.cshtml :
@(Html.Kendo().ComboBox() .Name("Countries") .Placeholder("Select a country") .DataTextField("CountryName") .DataValueField("CountryId") .DataSource(source => { source.Read(read => { read.Action("GetCascadeCountries", "Index"); }); }) )
In the javascript file :
if (elt.types[0] == 'country') { var countriesComboBox = $('#Countries').data("kendoComboBox"); alert($('#Countries_input').data()); var selectItem = function (dataItem) { //dataItem argument is a ComboBox data item. return dataItem.Text == elt.long_name; } countriesComboBox.select(selectItem); }
I tried with a document.getElementsByName ou document.getElementById, to set the value, but i still fail :/
Any idea ?
Edit : I've found, you have to set the trigger manually : countriesComboBox.trigger("change");