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Search on enter pressed?

1 Answer 112 Views
MultiColumn ComboBox
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Per asked on 07 Aug 2009, 08:48 AM

I think I have found a "bug".

I have a multicolumndropdown on a form.
The multicolumndropdown displays rows from a tabel with about 15000 rows in.
I have implemented "on demand loading" by using the KeyPress event of the combobox control like this:







Asc(e.KeyChar) = 13 Then


        Retailers = Retailer.LoadRetailersByReference1(cbCustomerSearchValue.Text)



        RetailerBindingSource.DataSource = Retailers


        If Retailers.Count > 1 Then




        ElseIf Retailers.Count = 1 Then





        End If
    End if
End sub

When the user selects a row, I load the information about the customer like this:
Private Sub cbCustomerSearchValue_SelectedValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cbCustomerSearchValue.SelectedValueChanged



If cbCustomerSearchValue.MultiColumnComboBoxElement.IsDroppedDown And cbCustomerSearchValue.SelectedItem IsNot Nothing Then




    LoadCustomer(DirectCast(DirectCast(cbCustomerSearchValue.SelectedItem, Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewDataRowInfo).DataBoundItem, DataAccessLayer.Retailer))



End If



End Sub




If the search result in just one hit, I load that customer and display information about it.

Here comes my problem:
If the search resulted in more then one hit, I show the drop down list and the user can then select. (This is working)
The problem here is that even though the text inside the drop down box is not the same as the displaymember text on the first row, the first row in the grid is still selected.

Since the row is already selected, the selectedvaluechange event will not fire :(

Is there a way to detect when the actual user clicks on a row (and not when the databind occurs)?

Why is the first row selected when databinding occurs, can I disable this behavior?
In a normal dropdown control no row is selected until the user made it choose.
I think the multicolumndropdown should behave the same :)


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Telerik team
answered on 07 Aug 2009, 01:48 PM
Hello Per,

Regarding your questions:

1. You can handle EditorControl.CellClick event. It fires when clicking in a grid cell.
2. This is the desired behavior. You can't disable it. However, you can set EditorControl.CurrentRow property to null.

If you continue to experience the issue, please send us your application and we will try to find a proper solution. Should you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

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MultiColumn ComboBox
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