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ScreenTip Size

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Ramius asked on 19 Nov 2008, 09:43 PM

I'm using Q3/2008.

How can i change the size of the screen tip ?
I have tried it with the size-method but the size of the screen tip does not change.
The Telerik Examples Demo has the same problem.
Look at the "First Look" Demo of the RibbonBar and move the mouse over the copy-Icon of the clipboard-chunk.

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Telerik team
answered on 20 Nov 2008, 09:41 AM
Hi Ramius,

There are several options for Office 2007-like screen tips we introduced in Q3 for your convenience.
To completely customize the screen tips appearance, its size, text wrapping, etc you may handle the ScreenTipNeeded event of any RadControl (RadRibbonBar, RadGridView, etc) and customize the screen tip provided by the event arguments, or even assign a new ScreenTip object to the corresponding item.

Here is a sample event handler c# code that customizes the available screen tip items in an instance of RadRibbonBar:

void radRibbonBar1_ScreenTipNeeded(object sender, ScreenTipNeededEventArgs e) 
    RadOffice2007ScreenTipElement screenTip = 
    e.Item.ScreenTip as RadOffice2007ScreenTipElement; 
    if (screenTip != null
    //Enable Custom sizing - if AutoSize is true (by default) the screen tip will size according to MainTextLabel size 
    screenTip.EnableCustomSize = true
    //Optionally set auto-size to false to specify exact size parameters 
    screenTip.AutoSize = false
    screenTip.Size = new Size(200, 150); 
    //optionally set the following properties to allow screen tip text to wrap 
    screenTip.MainTextLabel.AutoSize = false
    screenTip.MainTextLabel.AutoSizeMode = RadAutoSizeMode.FitToAvailableSize; 
    screenTip.MainTextLabel.Size = new Size(200, 150); 
    screenTip.MainTextLabel.TextWrap = true

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

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answered on 24 Nov 2008, 02:28 PM
Hi Mike,

thank you for your help.
Now it works.

But i have an other question.
I tried the following:

RadOffice2007ScreenTipElement tip1 = new RadOffice2007ScreenTipElement( );  
tip1.CaptionLabel.Text = "Button1";  
tip1.MainTextLabel.Text = "This Demo should show the screentip with a long Text with word wrap.";  
radButtonElement1.ScreenTip = tip1;  

The screentip now shows only a part of the text and the text is not wrapped. The screentip is also too small to show the whole text.
I tried to set the AutoSize, AutoSizeMode and TextWrap but i can't get it to work as i expect.

Is it possible that the screentip is sized automatically in the nescessary size to show the whole text and wrap the text ?

Telerik team
answered on 25 Nov 2008, 04:44 PM
Hello Ramius,

Currently the only option you have is to set the explicitly the size for the MainText in the screentip and let the text wrap inside its area. Ive prepared a sample that demonstrates the approach. Improving the screentip layouts is currently in our to-do list and this limitations like this one will be eiliminated. We are hoping to be able to do this for SP1.

All the best,
the Telerik team

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answered on 18 Dec 2008, 04:29 PM
Hello Mike,

thank you for your help.

I could transform your examplecode into my application and it works fine.


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