I have a slider where one can increase the zoom in/out with the help of the slider. whenever the user increases the zoom as of now now I am changing the width of this table("k-scheduler-table") dynamically in the scheduler view. In total there are 4 tables with such class but I am changing only the two tables width dynamically. When I do this I am refreshing my timeline through code and it works without any problem. but the data which is there inside the timeline with a specific time. for instance consider a task from 6am to 6:30am. Now after increasing the zoom task remains at some other timeline rather than at 6am-6:30am. and if I use scheduler.refresh() then my width which I have setted dynamically for the table classes is no longer and zoom effect is gone. I need an idea what can i do.
1-)Help me by refreshing the task to the current time-zone(only task-time-zone not the entire scheduler so that the zoom remains same)
2-)Or else refresh the scheduler and somehow I should pass the two table classes width dynamically
You can find the problem in the attached image