Hi have one question.
I want to change the color of the line(between points) depending on the values on the Y-axis. If the line is below 0 then the line is red color, otherwise the line is green color
<div kendo-chart
style="height: 300px;">
$scope.chartOptions = {
legend: { visible: false },
seriesDefaults: { type: 'scatterLine' },
series: [{ xField: "time", yField: "percent", colorField: "userColor", color: "#4572A7" }],
highlight: {
border: {
opacity: 1,
width: 5,
color: "black"
xAxis: {
max: 120,
labels: { format: "{0} min" },
title: { text: "" },
majorGridLines: {
visible: false
yAxis: {
max: $scope.pctCharAxisYMaxValue,
min: $scope.pctCharAxisYMinValue,
labels: { format: "{0}%" },
title: { text: "" }
tooltip: {
visible: true,
template: "${dataItem.toolTipLabel}<br/>${dataItem.percent}"