How are the changes to a grid stored prior to updating the underlying datasource?
I have a grid that I am building by building a JSON String and setting data = data: [ "column": "data", "column2": true ].
This grid holds several items for configuring another grid. The part I'm trying to figure out right now is once I make a change to this grid, (I have a few template columns that hold the data), how do I save those changes?
I know I can use $('#myGrid').data().kendoGrid.dataSource.view() to get the data, but this doesn't contain the updates that were made since the data was bound to the grid.
Ideally, I'd like the user to be able to freely edit the grid (check boxes and enter text) and then click a save button. Then I'd like them to be able to click a "refresh" button, that would export the updated grid to a JSON string.