I'm using KendoUI Grid within SharePoint 2013 webpage.
I am able to update my item using the CSOM within the function. After the function completes i get the error :
- kendo.all.js:6550 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined
Here is the code in the kendo.all.js: (error line in italics/bold)
_promise: function (data, models, type) {
var that = this;
return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
that.trigger(REQUESTSTART, { type: type });
that.transport[type].call(that.transport, extend({
success: function (response) {
response: response,
models: models,
type: type
error: function (response, status, error) {
that.error(response, status, error);
}, data));
Here is my grid :
dataSource: {
type: "ajax",
transport: {
read: function(operation){
url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + $select=ID,Assigned,CONVERSION_x0020_ACTIVITY,Stat/Title,id,txt_AssignedTo,Comments,ActivityDueDate,ConvSchedID/LOCATION_x0020_NAME,Responsible/Title,WeekGroupID/Title,WaveID/Title,ConvSchedID/ID&$expand=Stat,ConvSchedID,WaveID,ConvSchedID,Responsible,WeekGroupID&$filter=(Responsible/Title eq '" + m + "') and (Assigned eq 1) and (Stat/Title ne 'Completed') and (Stat/Title ne 'Not Started')&$orderby=ActivityDueDate,WeekGroupID/ID",
type: "GET",
headers: {
"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
cache: false
.fail(function (result){
var test = '';
pageSize: 20,
group: [
{field: "WaveID.Title"},
{field: "Stat.Title"},
{field: "ConvSchedID.LOCATION_x0020_NAME"}
sort: {field: "ActivityDueDate", dir: "asc"}
batch: true,
navigatable: true,
pageable: {
refresh: true,
pageSizes: true,
buttonCount: 5
filterable: true,
groupable: true,
dataBound: function(o){
var g = $("#kendoMyAssignedTable").data("kendoGrid");
for (var i=0; i < g.columns.length; i++){
allowCopy: true,
toolbar: ["save","cancel", "excel"],
columnMenu: true,
resizeable: true,
saveChanges: function(e){
var grid = $("#kendoAssignedTable").data("kendoGrid");
var data = grid.dataSource.data();
var dirty = $.grep(data,function(item){
return item.dirty
var myItem = '';
var ctx =SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var items=SP.ListOperation.Selection.getSelectedItems(ctx);
var list=ctx.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle("ConvCheckList");
myItem = v.ID;
var objectitem = list.getItemById(myItem);
objectitem.set_item("Stat", v.Stat.ID);
columns: [
field: "WaveID.Title",
title: "Wave",
filterale: {multi: true, search: true},
editor: function(element, options){element.text(options.model.WaveID.Title)}
field: "ActivityDueDate",
title: "Due Date",
type: "date",
filterable: {multi: true, search: true},
format: "{0:d}",
width: 150,
editor: function(element, options){element.text(options.model.ActivityDueDate)}
field: "WeekGroupID.Title",
title: "Week",
filterable: { multi: true, search: true},
width: 400,
editor: function(element, options){element.text(options.model.WeekGroupID.Title)}
title: "Conversion Activity",
editor: function(element, options){element.text(options.model.CONVERSION_x0020_ACTIVITY)}
field: "ConvSchedID.LOCATION_x0020_NAME",
title: "Location Name",
filterable: { multi: true, search: true},
editor: function(element, options){element.text(options.model.ConvSchedID.LOCATION_x0020_NAME)}
field: "Stat.Title",
title: "Status",
filterable: { multi: true, search: true},
editor: myStatusDropDown,
template: "#=Stat.Title#"
field: "Comments",
title: "Comments"
editable: true
function myStatusDropDown(container, options){
$('<input required name="' + options.field + '"/>')
autoBind: false,
dataTextField: "Title",
dataValueField: "Title",
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: function(operation){
url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/Web/Lists/GetByTitle('CheckListStatus')/Items?$select=Title,ID",
type: "GET",
headers: {
"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
cache: false
var datas = $(result.d.results);
var test = '';