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RTL support / orientation problems

3 Answers 152 Views
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Constantinos Petridis
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Constantinos Petridis asked on 02 Dec 2010, 12:07 PM
Good morning,

I was investigating the possibility of replacing ToolStrips/MenuStrips and StatusStrips, in our application, with the newly introduced RadCommandBar control (BTW pretty nice control, visually at least). 
I run into several problems which I would like to report.
  1. ToggleStateChanged event in CommandBarToogleButton is not firing. ToggleStateChanging event is working fine.
  2. When I set the RightToLeft property of RadCommandBar to Yes, the CommandBar items change order from LTR to RTL but the command bar itself does not change position/orientation. I expected to see the order of command bars (if multiple) to reverse, their relative position to change (if close to the left edge of RadCommandBar to change and get closer to the right side)  and also the grip and overflow buttons to change positions.
  3. Setting the orientation of RadCommandBar is a pain... I tried changing the Dock property to left and the Orientation property to Vertical but it doesn't seem to affect the actual command bar items. They stay with horizontal orientation, creating rendering problems. For example a CommandBarToogleButton with no image an only text showing will almost disappear when orientation is set to vertical.

I attach a picture that shows some of the "problems".

I would also love to see support for customizing the command bars, similar to "Customize..." option of Microsoft ToolStrips (i.e. Toolstrips in old Office applications or Visual Studio environment, something that is missing from Microsoft's ToolStrips/MenuStrips controls available to developers). Also support for docking those CommandBars in RadDock would be nice (docking left, right, top, bottom or floating).

Overall, CommandBar is a real gem in your suite but, as all new controls, it suffers from a few flaws, that I am sure you will fix/cover in future releases. Thanx for reading and keep up the good work! :)

3 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Ivan Todorov
Telerik team
answered on 07 Dec 2010, 02:10 PM
Hi Constantinos Petridis,

Thank you for your interest in our new control. I am glad you like its appearance and I really appreciate that you spent some time to share with us your impressions.

In regards to your problems:
  1. There was an issue with the ToggleStateChanged event of the CommandBarToogleButton that was reported and addressed. The fix will be released in the upcoming service pack.
  2. RightToLeft support was not implemented in the first version of the control. It will be added for this SP as well. And yes, it will look just like you expect (considering your screenshots).
  3. Indeed, there are issues with the vertical orientation. First thing I would like to inform you of is that the Orientation property of each element in the command bar is controlled by the Dock property of the control so you should not bother to set them by hand. Second thing is that each item implements its own behavior for vertical orientation (for example, vertical orientation is not compatible with textbox standards). There could be flaws in the behaviors, so feedback on how the vertical items should appear will be greatly appreciated.
  4. We are currently working on the Customize dialog which itself will be fully customizable. We are also working on floating strips support which will allow strips to be detached from one command bar  and docked to another. Support for docking in RadDock is not planned to be implemented so far, but we will consider it for the future releases.

Thank you again for the feedback. Your Telerik points have been updated. Should you have any further questions, issues or recommendations, do not hesitate to contact us.

Ivan Todorov
the Telerik team
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answered on 01 Aug 2013, 07:03 AM
Hi Ivan,

I have a problem too,   have a radCommandBar which oriantation is vertical. And I have a few  ToggleButton in my CommadBar. My all buttons are vertical.
the problem is that all buttons texts don't seem.  it just seems 1 or 2 character of the all  buttons text.
What can I do?


Telerik team
answered on 07 Aug 2013, 06:16 AM

Your question has already been answered in the other thread you've posted in. Please, see our answer there for more information.

We kindly ask you to use just one support channel to contact us. Posting the same questions numerous times slows down our response time because we will need to review and address two or more tickets instead of one. Moreover threads are handled according to license and time of posting, so if it is an urgent problem, we suggest you use a support ticket, which would be handled before a forum thread.

Thank you for your understanding.
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Asked by
Constantinos Petridis
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Ivan Todorov
Telerik team
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Telerik team
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