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'RowIndex' is not a member of 'Telerik.winControls.UI.GridView.CellInfo'

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Jesse asked on 16 Aug 2011, 11:40 AM
Then what is the counterpart of RowIndex?

I have a form with a GridView on it and it displays the data i want it to perfectly, However I want to bring up an Add/ Edit form using a context menu strip to edit or add a record to the database. To fill the form for the edit part I need to do something like this(actually works when using the standard Data Grid)
Private Sub EditToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles EditToolStripMenuItem.Click
        Dim frm As New frmAddEdit
        frm.GUID_User = Me.dgvUsers.Item(0, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.GUID_Group = Me.dgvUsers.Item(1, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtADName.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(2, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtUserName.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(3, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtEmail.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(4, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtLogin.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(5, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtPassword.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(6, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtTelNo.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(7, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtFax.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(8, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.cbActive.Checked = IIf(Me.dgvUsers.Item(9, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString() = "True", True, False)
        frm.GUID_Company = Me.dgvUsers.Item(10, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.cbLead.Checked = IIf(Me.dgvUsers.Item(11, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString() = "True", True, False)
        frm.cbSplit.Checked = IIf(Me.dgvUsers.Item(12, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString() = "True", True, False)
        frm.cbTelesales.Checked = IIf(Me.dgvUsers.Item(13, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString() = "True", True, False)
        frm.cboOffice.SelectedValue = Me.dgvUsers.Item(14, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtAddress.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(15, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.Text = "Edit User"
    End Sub
The Problem is that the Rad GridView doesn't recognize the RowIndex.

Can Anyone help me with a solution?
What is the Telerik Grid's counterpart to the standard DataGrid's RowIndex

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Martin Vasilev
Telerik team
answered on 18 Aug 2011, 09:11 AM
Hi Jesse,

Thank you for writing.

In order to get the row index of particular cell you can use its RowInfo property as shown below:
Dim rowIndex As Integer = Me.radGridView1.SelectedCells(0).RowInfo.Index

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Martin Vasilev
the Telerik team

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answered on 18 Aug 2011, 09:43 AM

Thanks for the response, I tried that but I get an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
Using the code you supplied modified:
Dim rowIndex As Integer = Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowInfo.Index

I get the above mentioned exception, It says the Index was out of range.Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.Parameter name: index.

I am very new to programming, As stated before I got this working using the standard visual studio controls.

I also tried dong the following
frm.GUID_User = Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowInfo.Index.ToString()
But this also throws the same exception.

Please Help


Martin Vasilev
Telerik team
answered on 23 Aug 2011, 08:54 AM
Hello Jesse,

Thank you for getting back to me.

I was not able to identify what causes the exception and I will need to check your code to investigate further. It is possible to experience the issue, because the SelectedCells collection is empty (e.g. you do not have selected cells in your grid). I would suggest checking whether the collection is empty, before executing this code. Here is a sample:

If Me.radGridView1.SelectedCells.Count > 0 Then
    Dim index As Integer = Me.radGridView1.SelectedCells(0).RowInfo.Index
End If

I hope this helps. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

All the best,
Martin Vasilev
the Telerik team

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answered on 23 Aug 2011, 12:02 PM

Thanks again for your response, I tried the code you supplied in your last resply and that sorts out the argument out of range exception but i still cant seem to get the form populated the way I need it to be with data from a specific row of the GridView, So that I can edit that specific record which I will then save back to the Database. The Code I used in the first version of the program looked excactly like the code I posted when I started this thread. All I really need is a way to achieve the excact same effect using the Telerik GridView, Ill include all the VB code in a Code Block Below

Public Class Users
    Private Sub Users_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    End Sub
    'Fills The Grid
    Private Sub Fill_Names()
        Dim conn As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(DBCon)
        Dim ds As New System.Data.DataSet()
        Dim adapter As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter()
        Dim strWhere As String = "SELECT dbo.tbl_USR_Names.GUID_User, dbo.tbl_USR_Names.GUID_Group, dbo.tbl_USR_Names.GUID_Company, dbo.tbl_USR_Names.vch_AD_Name, dbo.tbl_USR_Names.vch_UserName, dbo.tbl_USR_Names.vch_USR_Email, dbo.tbl_USR_Names.vch_Login, dbo.tbl_USR_Names.vch_PWD,dbo.tbl_USR_Names.vch_USR_Tel, dbo.tbl_USR_Names.vch_USR_Fax, dbo.tbl_USR_Names.bit_Active, dbo.tbl_USR_Names.bit_USR_GetLeads,dbo.tbl_USR_Names.bit_USR_GetSplit, dbo.tbl_USR_Names.bit_USR_IsTelesales, dbo.tbl_USR_Names.chr_Office, dbo.tbl_USR_Names.vch_Address,dbo.tbl_SYS_UserGroups.vch_GRP_Description, dbo.tbl_SYS_Company.vch_COM_Name FROM dbo.tbl_USR_Names WITH (nolock) INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_SYS_UserGroups WITH (nolock) ON dbo.tbl_USR_Names.GUID_Group = dbo.tbl_SYS_UserGroups.GUID_GROUP INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_SYS_Company WITH (nolock) ON dbo.tbl_USR_Names.GUID_Company = dbo.tbl_SYS_Company.GUID_Company ORDER BY dbo.tbl_USR_Names.vch_UserName"
        adapter.SelectCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(strWhere, conn)
        adapter.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 1000
        adapter.Fill(ds, "ProTrack Users")
        Me.dgvUsers.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
        Me.dgvUsers.Columns(0).IsVisible = False
        Me.dgvUsers.Columns(1).IsVisible = False
        Me.dgvUsers.Columns(2).IsVisible = False
    End Sub
    'Brings up a from to add a new user
    Private Sub AddToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddToolStripMenuItem.Click
        Dim frm As New frmAddEdit
        frm.Text = "Add New User"
    End Sub
    'Edit existing user -- Is Supposed to fill the AddEdit form with data from the grid
    Private Sub EditToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles EditToolStripMenuItem.Click
        Dim frm As New frmAddEdit
        'Solves the ArgumentOutOfRange Exception but the grid is not getting filled.
        'If Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells.Count > 0 Then
        '    Dim rowIndex As Integer = Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowInfo.Index
        'End If
        'Tried the Following but it Throws an Argument Out of range exception
        'Dim rowIndex As Integer = Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowInfo.Index
        'Original code from version one using the standard GataGridView supplied by VS
        'as you can see i get the 'RowIndex' not a member of 'Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewCellInfo' problem
        'I wrote about initially I need to know how to achive the same effect using Telerik controls.
        frm.GUID_User = Me.dgvUsers.Item(0, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.GUID_Group = Me.dgvUsers.Item(1, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtADName.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(2, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtUserName.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(3, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtEmail.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(4, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtLogin.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(5, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtPassword.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(6, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtTelNo.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(7, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtFax.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(8, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.cbActive.Checked = IIf(Me.dgvUsers.Item(9, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString() = "True", True, False)
        frm.GUID_Company = Me.dgvUsers.Item(10, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.cbLead.Checked = IIf(Me.dgvUsers.Item(11, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString() = "True", True, False)
        frm.cbSplit.Checked = IIf(Me.dgvUsers.Item(12, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString() = "True", True, False)
        frm.cbTelesales.Checked = IIf(Me.dgvUsers.Item(13, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString() = "True", True, False)
        frm.cboOffice.SelectedValue = Me.dgvUsers.Item(14, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.txtAddress.Text = Me.dgvUsers.Item(15, Me.dgvUsers.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex).Value.ToString()
        frm.Text = "Edit User"
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class frmAddEdit
    Public GUID_User As String = ""
    Public GUID_Group As String = ""
    Public GUID_Company As String = ""
    Private Sub frmAddEdit_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    End Sub
    Private Sub Fill_Group()
        Dim conn As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(DBCon)
        Dim ds As New System.Data.DataSet()
        Dim adapter As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter()
        Dim strWhere As String = "SELECT GUID_GROUP, vch_GRP_Description FROM [ProTrack].[dbo].[tbl_SYS_UserGroups] WITH (nolock) ORDER BY vch_GRP_Description"
        adapter.SelectCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(strWhere, conn)
        adapter.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 1000
        adapter.Fill(ds, "Group")
        Me.cboGroup.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
        Me.cboGroup.DisplayMember = "vch_GRP_Description"
        Me.cboGroup.ValueMember = "GUID_GROUP"
        If Me.GUID_Group <> "" Then
            Me.cboGroup.SelectedValue = Me.GUID_Group
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Fill_Company()
        Dim conn As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(DBCon)
        Dim ds As New System.Data.DataSet()
        Dim adapter As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter()
        Dim strWhere As String = "SELECT GUID_Company, vch_COM_Name FROM [ProTrack].[dbo].[tbl_SYS_Company] WITH (nolock) ORDER BY vch_COM_Name"
        adapter.SelectCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(strWhere, conn)
        adapter.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 1000
        adapter.Fill(ds, "Company")
        Me.cboCompany.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
        Me.cboCompany.DisplayMember = "vch_COM_Name"
        Me.cboCompany.ValueMember = "GUID_Company"
        If Me.GUID_Company <> "" Then
            Me.cboCompany.SelectedValue = Me.GUID_Company
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdExit_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdExit.Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdSave_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click
        Dim active As Integer = IIf(Me.cbActive.Checked, 1, 0)
        Dim split As Integer = IIf(Me.cbSplit.Checked, 1, 0)
        Dim lead As Integer = IIf(Me.cbLead.Checked, 1, 0)
        Dim telesales As Integer = IIf(Me.cbTelesales.Checked, 1, 0)
        If GUID_User = "" Then
            RunSQL("INSERT INTO tbl_USR_Names(GUID_User, GUID_Group, vch_AD_Name, vch_UserName, vch_USR_Email, vch_Login, vch_PWD, vch_USR_Tel, vch_USR_Fax, bit_Active, GUID_Company, bit_USR_GetLeads, bit_USR_GetSplit, bit_USR_IsTelesales, chr_Office, vch_Address) VALUES ('" & Guid.NewGuid.ToString.ToUpper _
                   & "', '" & Me.cboGroup.SelectedValue & "', '" & Me.txtADName.Text & "', '" & Me.txtUserName.Text & "', '" & Me.txtEmail.Text & "', '" & Me.txtLogin.Text & "', '" & Me.txtPassword.Text & "', '" & Me.txtTelNo.Text & "', '" & Me.txtFax.Text & _
                   "', " & active & ", '" & Me.cboCompany.SelectedValue & "'," & lead & "," & split & "," & telesales & ", '" & Me.cboOffice.SelectedValue & "', '" & Me.txtAddress.Text & "'   )")
            RunSQL("UPDATE tbl_USR_Names SET GUID_Group = '" & Me.cboGroup.SelectedValue & "', vch_AD_Name = '" & Me.txtADName.Text & "', vch_UserName = '" & Me.txtUserName.Text & "', vch_USR_Email = '" & Me.txtEmail.Text & "', vch_Login= '" & Me.txtLogin.Text & "', vch_PWD = '" & Me.txtPassword.Text _
                   & "', vch_USR_Tel = '" & Me.txtTelNo.Text & "', vch_USR_Fax = '" & Me.txtFax.Text & "',bit_Active = " & active & " , GUID_Company = '" & Me.cboCompany.SelectedValue & "',bit_USR_GetLeads = " & lead & ",bit_USR_GetSplit = " & split & " ,bit_USR_IsTelesales =  " & telesales & ", chr_Office = '" & cboOffice.SelectedValue & "', vch_Address = '" & Me.txtAddress.Text _
                   & "'   WHERE GUID_User = '" & Me.GUID_User & "' ")
        End If
        If MsgBox("Saved!", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly) = MsgBoxResult.Ok Then
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

Martin Vasilev
Telerik team
answered on 25 Aug 2011, 04:31 PM
Hello Jesse,

Thank you for getting back to me.

Actually, there are several approaches for implementing data editing through a separate form. I suggest you to take a look at the following MSDN article, which gives the general overview of the Winforms data binding. 

I have also prepared a simple project, which demonstrates one possible approach. Please refer to the attache file.

I hope you will find it useful. Let me know if you have further questions.

Martin Vasilev
the Telerik team

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answered on 29 Aug 2011, 01:56 PM

Once again thank you very much for your help. In the end I found the following solution and it works like a charm.

Sub EditToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles EditToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim frm As New FrmUserAddEdit
Dim i As Integer = dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index
frm.GUID_User = dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(0).Value.ToString()
frm.GUID_Group = dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(1).Value.ToString()
frm.GUID_Company = dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(2).Value.ToString()
frm.txtADName.Text = dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(3).Value.ToString()
frm.txtUserName.Text = dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(4).Value.ToString()
frm.txtEmail.Text = dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(5).Value.ToString()
frm.txtLogin.Text = dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(6).Value.ToString()
frm.txtPassword.Text = dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(7).Value.ToString()
frm.txtTelNo.Text = dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(8).Value.ToString()
frm.txtFax.Text = dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(9).Value.ToString()
frm.cbActive.Checked = IIf(dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(10).Value.ToString() = "True", True, False)
frm.cbLead.Checked = IIf(dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(11).Value.ToString() = "True", True, False)
frm.cbSplit.Checked = IIf(dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(12).Value.ToString() = "True", True, False)
frm.cbTelesales.Checked = IIf(dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(13).Value.ToString() = "True", True, False)
frm.cboOffice.SelectedValue = dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(14).Value.ToString()
frm.txtAddress.Text = dgvUsers.Rows(dgvUsers.SelectedRows(0).Index).Cells(15).Value.ToString()
frm.Text = "Edit User"
End Sub

This gives me the exact result i was lookin for.

Telerik team
answered on 01 Sep 2011, 08:35 AM
Hi Jesse,

I am glad that I could help. Should you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

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Martin Vasilev
Telerik team
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