We are using the example chart at the moment trying to resize the donut, The doc say use seriesdefault.holeSize holeSize does not exists
The difference between the example code and others is
Example code
.SeriesDefaults(series => series.Donut()
Telerik Support code
seriesDefaults: {
holeSize: 20,
so using the example code below what's the way to resize the chart, also, Id like to know how to add values to the donut to show what value the % come from.
Thanks in advance
Example code used
<div class="demo-section k-content wide">
.ChartArea(chartArea => chartArea
// .Width(200)
// .Height(200)
.Title(title => title
.Text("Events by priority")
.Legend(legend => legend
.SeriesDefaults(series => series.Donut()
.Series(series =>
series.Donut(new dynamic[] {
new {category = "P1",value = 0,color = "#ADC9D5"},
new {category = "P2",value = 0,color = "#5FCBFF"},
new {category = "P3",value = 0,color = "#49B4E7"},
new {category = "P4",value = 0,color = "#00689B"},
new {category = "Unknown",value = 100,color = "#002D42"},
series.Donut(new dynamic[] {
new {category = "P1",value = 1.72,color = "#ADC9D5"},
new {category = "P2",value = 3.41,color = "#5FCBFF"},
new {category = "P3",value = 17.45,color = "#49B4E7"},
new {category = "P4",value = 73.56,color = "#00689B"},
new {category = "Unknown",value = 3.83,color = "#002D42"},
series.Donut(new dynamic[] {
new {category = "P1",value = 1.61,color = "#ADC9D5"},
new {category = "P2",value = 2.51,color = "#5FCBFF"},
new {category = "P3",value = 16.247,color = "#49B4E7"},
new {category = "P4",value = 75.35,color = "#00689B"},
new {category = "Unknown",value = 4.26,color = "#002D42"},
.Labels(labels => labels
.Template("#= category #: \n #= value#%")
.Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip
.Template("#= category # (#= series.name #): #= value #%")