Reposition and select row after deleted row in RadGridView Telerik WinForm

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fabrizio asked on 24 Sep 2024, 09:56 AM

Good morning
in a RadGridView in the event of a button I delete a row from the database and I would like to reposition and select the row after the deleted one. The problem is that I can't figure out how to get the id of the row after the deleted one. To complicate things I add that the rows are filtered by the filtering row of the RadGridView. I attach code to make it clearer.

I think the problem is that to delete the row I take the index from the first cell of the row. But I don't understand how to take the index of the row of the radgridview


    Private Sub btnEliminaLotto_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnEliminaLotto.Click

        'Trova id selezionato con ChildRows
        propIdLottoMateriale = gridLottoMateriale.ChildRows(gridLottoMateriale.CurrentRow.Index).Cells(0).Value

        Dim result As DialogResult

        If Not (propIdLottoMateriale = Nothing) Then
            If gridLottoMateriale.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then
                result = MessageBox.Show(" Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il Test Report N° : " & propIdLottoMateriale & " ? ", "Elimina test Report in Database", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel)
                If result = DialogResult.Cancel Then
                    Exit Sub
                End If

                If result = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

                    'Controllo se il filtro esiste ancora
                    If (gridLottoMateriale.IsInEditMode) Then
                    End If

                    'Toglie il filtro

                    'Aggiorna il dataset binding con la grid

                    'Riposiziona la griglia sulla riga dopo quella eliminata
                    gridLottoMateriale.CurrentRow = gridLottoMateriale.ChildRows(indexRigaPerAggiorna + 1)
                    gridLottoMateriale.CurrentRow.IsSelected = True

                        Exit Sub
                End If
                MessageBox.Show("Seleziona una riga !!")
            End If


        End If

    End Sub

    Public Function EliminaLottoMateriale(ByVal id As Integer)
        Dim deleteCommand As DbCommand = Nothing
        Dim rowsAffected As Integer
            deleteCommand = _db.GetStoredProcCommand("spDeleteQueryLotto")
            _db.AddInParameter(deleteCommand, "id", DbType.Int32, id)
            rowsAffected = _db.ExecuteNonQuery(deleteCommand)
        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageBox.Show("Errore EliminaLottoMateriale : " & ex.Message)
        End Try
        Return rowsAffected
    End Function

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Nadya | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
answered on 26 Sep 2024, 10:28 AM

Hello, Fabrizio,

By default, when you delete a row from RadGridView, the grid automatically selects the next row from the collection. There is no need to do it manually. If I understand you correctly you are trying to get the index of the row after the deleted row. 

When you delete a record from the DataSource directly, the RadGridView.RowsChanged event is fired. You can use the GridViewCollectionChangedEventArgs.OldStartingIndex in order to get the row index of deleted row. Then, the next row index will be OldStartingIndex+1. Please refer to the following code snippet:

private void RadGridView1_RowsChanged(object sender, GridViewCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
    int deletedRowindex = e.OldStartingIndex;
    int nextRowIndex = deletedRowindex + 1;

I hope this information helps. If you have other questions, please let me know. 

Nadya | Tech Support Engineer
Progress Telerik

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