Please find the sample that i tried at : http://dojo.telerik.com/AZAMi/2
My requirement is to load up the atleast 200-300 shapes for the diagram control, so please my concerns below.
1. Rendering is too slow, what could be possible cause and solution to it.?
2. How to disable the edit tool bar in the diagram and toolbar appearing on selecting any shape, however still i should be able to drag the shapes.?
3. Is partial loading of shapes or any kind of virtualization is supported for diagram control.?
4. If we have 100 of shape in diagram control in a hierarchical view, it is possible to render the diagram control with top most nodes in the viewport.?
5. Is it possible that if shapes are zoomed up then the whole diagram should be scroll-able.?
6. One more issue that i observed is if we have many shapes and we turn on the scrolling as suggested in one of the samples in your website, if we click any where else other nodes, the scroll bar automatically scrolls to extreme left of the diagram container.?