We're attempting to do custom filtering on the server-side by passing additional data via the filters. However these custom filters do not correlate to any of the properties of the result set so we end up with an error:
Invalid property or field - 'GroupNameId' for type: InventorySearchResult
Unfortunately its not as simple as adding the GroupNameId to the result because GroupNameId is in a collection of Group Names, example:
MyEntity {
Id = 1,
Name = "name",
GroupNames = <Collection of Group Names that I want to further filter against>
So what we do is query our data via IQueryable, extract the GroupNameGid filter from Request.Filters, then manually apply a filter for GroupNameGid to the expression, then we return the data via ToDataSourceResult(...). Unfortunately this results in the error mentioned above. I thought maybe I could remove the GroupNameGid filter from Request.Filters since I'm manually applying the filter and let ToDataSourceResult apply the rest of its magic. However this turned out to be rather complicated due to CompositeFilterDescriptor. So I'm curious to know if there is any way to easily remove a specific filter from request.Filters.