I use kendo grid on batch editing mode, and I have a problem with the required validator.
The problem is that when user adds a new row without filling the required cell, he
can't select a different cell, as expected, but, he does can press on one of
the paging navigation button or on delete button in different row.
In case of pressing on page navigation button, the next grid page will be displayed,
and the new row that the user created will stay exists, although the required
field is not filled.
If I use the grid in inline editing mode, In case of pressing on "edit"
button of different row, while the focus is stuck in the new, not filled, row-
the new row will be removed.
My question is, how can I copy the second scenario behavior to the first, namely, how can I remove new
row that is not valid when the user navigates to another page?
For reproducing the scenarios described above, you can open this demo:
and do as follow:
First scenario:
1. Press on "add new record" button.
2. Press on the page navigation button for viewing another page.
3. Return to the first page.
4. The first row exists with an empty value in the first cell (although this field is required)!
Second scenario:
1. Press on "add new record" button.
2. Press on "edit" button in the next row.
3. The new row is disappeared.
Thank you very much!